Monday, November 26, 2012

DIY Cream Eyeliner

You can always buy the cream eyeliner, but how cool would it be to say that you made your own?!? Pretty awesome!! For the brush, you can use one from your old cream eyeliners or you could purchase some makeup brushes from places like ebay or amazon inexpensively. 

What You'll Need~
Pigmented Black Eyeliner (Preferably cheap since you'll be messing it up)
Empty Container (You can just clean old eye shadow containers or buy the container)
Paper Plate
Plastic Spoon
Something to scrape with
Vaseline/Petroleum Jelly

Step 1~
Start scraping out your desired amount of eye shadow, it can be however much you want, but remember that you'll be using more of the jelly than eye shadow.

Step 2~
Take a spoonful of the jelly (the proportion for this should be 1/3 eye shadow and 2/3 vaseline) and start mixing it together. This can be tricky and messy so be careful.

Step 3~
Once your eyeliner is at a creamy texture, go ahead and scoop the eyeliner into your container.

This project is perfect for stocking stuffers or as a present. Comment if you would like to see a DIY Eye Primer post soon!

Until next time,


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