Friday, June 22, 2012

Nail Polish Quiz

Hey girls! Sorry its taken so long to do this! I said that I might do a Nail Polish Quiz to help you find your perfect Nail Polish Color! 

Nail Polish Color Quiz~

1.) Its Saturday, and your mom said that its your turn to do whatever you want today, so you.....

A. Ask to go shopping, to a cafe', or maybe even out with friends.

B. Ask if you can go to the movies, do a crazy game, or go somewhere like a theme park.

C. You ask to go for a walk, bike ride, help in the yard, or just to hang out in your room.

2.) If you could go anywhere in the universe, you would go to.....

A. France, Italy, or the Bahamas!

B. India, China, Turkey, or even Russia!

C. To the Bahamas, or somewhere close to home. 

3.) If you were going out to lunch, you would go to....

A. This cute cafe', or restaurant.

B. An Indian, Chinese, or other foreign restaurant.

C. To a local restaurant.

4.) At the beach you..

A. Either wade in, or sit back and relax.

B. Practically run into the water.

C. Sit back and read a book.

5.) You just got a new haircut, it is.....

A. An adorable long bob, or long and curly/wavy/straight hair.

B. A cute pixie cut, or a lot of layers.

C. You just got a trim, your hair stays the same.

6.) You go shopping for clothes and get...

A. Some skin-toned flats, a cute ruffled floral blouse, and some adorable earrings.

B. A studded vest, some distress jeans, and some neon colored flats.

C. A cute flowy cardigan, a floral top, and some cute tan 1/2 thigh shorts.

Mostly A's~
You are the girly girl. You like looking put together and never sloppy. For you, a french manicure, pastel pink or purple, or maybe even a red would work. For your toes, I suggest a french pedicure (you can actually do that yourself with some regular white nail polish and clear polish). 

Mostly B's~
You are very adventurous and outgoing. For you, a bright red, blue, or even neon colors would work great. For your toes a red or bright blue would work great.

Mostyle C's~
You are the caring, generous, type of girl. You don't like loud clothes, hair, or anything else. Your on the more mellow side. For you, pastel anything would work. Pastel purple, pink, blue, green, etc. Softer colors will really be good for you. For your toes, maybe a lavender or mint color?

I hope you all enjoyed my Nail Polish Quiz! I will be doing a post soon on French mani/pedis so stay tuned!


~Pearl :)


  1. I scored an even amount of A's and C's! This was a lot of fun, and really interesting because the colours matched my taste. Nice job, Pearl!

  2. That's so cool! Thanks :) I am a little of each, but mainly A. Although, I do have a big adventurous streak!

  3. That's so cool! I don't really fit into "categories" on quizzes. Lol :P
