Monday, July 9, 2012

Bad Hair Day Tips

So, everyone has those days when your just won't cooperate or style the right way. I have them quite often actually! I thought that giving you guys some tips would help you when your having one of those days. 

Braid It~
A braid hides any lack of volume, and can hide those bumps that just don't look right in your hair.

Ponytail It~
Put it back in a ponytail. Leave your bangs, or the pieces of hair around the middle top part of your head, and pull it back, twist the end, and poof it up. I always add some hoop earrings to finish the look.

Messy Bun It~
Messy buns are easy, and cute!

Scrunch It~
Take some styling gel and scrunch your hair.

That's all I can think of right now, but I think I will have more in time to come! Have an awesome day :)

~Pearl :)


  1. Fun tips! I love it when everyone's like, "I love your braid, Melissa!" And I don't tell them it's braided because I haven't washed my hair. Haha.

  2. Me too! I like the pony tail the best because my hair isn't quite long enough for some braids!
